Properties Divided Into Flats

Carbon Monoxide
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It is essential that you consult DS Gas Connection as early as possible in the development stage to agree meter locations in properties divided into flats.


The preferred location for meters to supply properties divided into flats is in standard external meter boxes or a bank of meters in an enclosure designed for the purpose. When meters cannot be located externally, a suitable risk assessment must be completed to determine the most appropriate alternative that ensures full attention to risk mitigation.

Properties Divided Into Flats: Meter Banks

A meter compartment (or enclosure) must be purpose-designed for housing multiple meter installations. The compartment can be situated remotely from the building, or incorporated into the building structure. Access to the compartment must be restricted to gas consumers and authorised persons including the gas transporter and meter readers. Each meter, and its associated installation (outlet) pipework must be clearly identified during and after construction showing which flat it feeds. Ventilation must be provided for the compartment; this will be 2% of the notional floor area or 3% if ventilation is provided on one wall only. Internal compartments must meet structural, fire resistance and safety regulations. Ducts should be solid, continuous and be fire resistant in line with the building structure and be ventilated outside at high and low levels.